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Author Topic: More info on the first level 80

Posts: 275
More info on the first level 80
on: August 28, 2012, 08:07

Taken from Reddit

As you may have read, Surfeuze was the first character to reach level 80, racing there in only 32 hours during the headstart period.

I'd like to apologize for writing an earlier comment that cast doubt on his accomplishment. At the same time Surfeuze was racing to level 80, we were tracking and talking with other players who were racing toward 80 as well, using a technique that really shouldn't be that lucrative and that we're making changes to fix. We believed one of those players would be first to 80, and when Surfeuze posted of his accomplishment, I mistakenly thought he was a player who had used that technique.

In fact he wasn't. Surfeuze played normal PvE content to level 60, although obviously racing past everything he could, and then leveled from 60 to 80 through crafting. His secret weapon was his strong team supplying him with crafting materials. That allowed him to jump ahead of everyone else in those last 20 levels.

So congratulations to Surfeuze, legitimately the first player to reach level 80.

~ MO

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Posts: 196
Re: More info on the first level 80
on: August 28, 2012, 09:13

Strange stuff indeed


Posts: 17
Re: More info on the first level 80
on: August 29, 2012, 13:21

Wow that didn't take long

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