Character Name: Kyapten Farukon (ele), Morrigan Aenslund (mes), Dendrobium Nobile (guard)
Real Life Name (optional): Tyrone Lee
Real Life Age: 22
Real Life Location (optional): Massachusetts
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time
Previous MMO Experience: I've played WoW from 2005 to 2010. Also played Guild Wars: Prophecies for less than a year but never got much from HoM and didn't buy the expansions. Had some experience in Ragnarok online, Beta tests of Secret World and SWTOR, Vindictus, DDO, and EVE
Interests: Running around with like-minded players. Found WvW a blast during the betas and looking forward to organized groups getting stuff done in the borderlands. Also hoping to find good dungeon groups for gear and profit.
Can you use Mumble?- Yes I can.
Why do you want to join?- This guild seems to have a sense of maturity and organization that will last well past the launch. I'm in for the long haul and I hope to maintain a strong relationship with the guild that will keep us moving though the lifetime of the game(admittedly I'm probably motivated more by the guild upgrade system).
How did you hear about us?- Saw one of you guys recruiting in Metrica Province. Did some research and now I'm putting in my application.
Additional Comments: I'm a research technician in my "Day job" but my experiments may require me to work at odd hours so my play schedule might vary week to week. I mostly play during the evening though and I will be checking the forums regularly. I'm a great team player, I follow instructions well and I'm eager to play and get to know everyone!
Thanks for your consideration.