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Author Topic: Application: Newo

Posts: 1
Application: Newo
on: September 12, 2012, 10:13

Character Name: Newo
Real Life Age: 29
Time Zone: EST

Previous MMO Experience:
I started off in City of Heroes from about 2005-2007, nothing serious there just fun with friends I met in-game. I then went to World of Warcraft until June 2011. I did the casual raiding to begin with but went more hardcore focused in WOTLK. I quit due to burnout from leadership responsibilities, no longer getting joy out of killing bosses, and lack of people to enjoy the game day to day with. While playing WoW I did checkout Aion and Rift. Aion I quit pretty quickly because it was way too much of a grind for me. In Rift I did level to max but ended there since I had no desire to raid. Also played SWTOR for about 3 months, did some instances, did some raids, and a lot of pvp but didn't feel like continuing.

In-Game: Everything except tournament PVP.
Real Life: Music, old/new TV shows like ALF/Threes Company/Walking Dead/Game of Thrones, reading, relaxing with my boxer Lola (it's a dog not a heavyweight champion).

Can you use Mumble? Yes

Why do you want to join?
I'm looking for a guild with similar interests / goals as mine and yours is right up that alley.

How did you hear about us?
I found you searching

Additional Comments: Pie > cake

Posts: 144
Re: Application: Newo
on: September 12, 2012, 12:11

Welcome to the guild and you may have just started something saying pie is greater than cake.... I cant choose and it always leads me to ask is cheesecake considered a pie or a cake lol


Posts: 38
Re: Application: Newo
on: September 13, 2012, 09:28

Welcome to the guild =3 o.O I think cheese cake is both and so much better than having one or the other =3 Strawberry cheescake yummmm =p


Posts: 278
Re: Application: Newo
on: September 19, 2012, 10:43


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