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Author Topic: Application: Decendant of Kormir

Posts: 6
Application: Decendant of Kormir
on: September 27, 2012, 17:28

Character Name:Decendant of Kormir
Real Life Name (optional):Caleb
Real Life Age:30
Real Life Location (optional):Northern California
Time Zone:Pacific
Previous MMO Experience:WoW (lvl 40 rogue), GW1, City of heroes/villians,Rift, Diablo 3 (lvl 60 WD, lvl 60DH)
Interests:aside from the obvious, I paint custom bedrooms for children/businesses, ive been interested in UFO's since jan of 08 and fully support disclosure. ancient archeology is growing on me, love the hidden history of earth. SPending time with my wife and kids are huge. who knew they'd be interesting?
Can you use Mumble?I just looked into this, seems as if need to download a client and get up to speed, this will be tonights priority.
Why do you want to join?I've been gaming on MMO's for YEARS never once have i made an attempt to be a part of something. im looking to contribute in whatever way i can.
How did you hear about us?i did my research. i looked up all available guilds on Yak's and found TB. great discription. seems to be 'in touch' with reality. i.e. father of two etc.
Additional Comments: hello TB, my goal here is to offer myself a new opportunity. 1. to meet new people and enjoy this awesome game. 2. to pick up where i left off, see i was on GW1 back in 04 but as i was playing i got news that my uncle had passed away. it shook me up a bit, and i put the game down for good, now its time to move on pick it back up and take this baby to level 80! a personal goal of mine is to accomplish lvl 80 on a true MMO experience (i dont consider diablo 3 lvl 60's the same classification due to its ACT structure) .... to all who read, thank you for your time.

Posts: 144
Re: Application: Decendant of Kormir
on: September 27, 2012, 22:03

Welcome to the guild! Please locate a guild officer in game to get an invite.


Posts: 278
Re: Application: Decendant of Kormir
on: September 28, 2012, 13:31

What he said ^^^

Also: Welcome.

Posts: 6
Re: Application: Decendant of Kormir
on: September 29, 2012, 18:59

thank you!

Posts: 275
Re: Application: Decendant of Kormir
on: September 29, 2012, 19:46

Welcome. =)

(Don't ask, not enough sleep.)

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Posts: 6
Re: Application: Decendant of Kormir
on: September 30, 2012, 01:01

so im an idiot and cannot seem to locate a guild officer. i see the registry and promotor, however it only gives me the option to create a guild. thank you in advance.

Posts: 6
Re: Application: Decendant of Kormir
on: October 1, 2012, 12:47

got it figured out. all is good.

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