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Author Topic: Application: Lillian Monet

Posts: 2
Application: Lillian Monet
on: October 8, 2012, 04:25

Character Name: Lillian Monet or Genivee Monet
Real Life Name (optional): Jen
Real Life Age: 23
Real Life Location (optional): Utah
Time Zone: Mountain Time
Previous MMO Experience: Ive played WoW since 2006, Still do! I played Rift, and a few random free games before that from Steam or similar sites.
Interests: Gaming!! I Roleplay mainly on GW2, With lots of pve dungeons and stuff. I sew in real life, making awesome quilts and other crafts.
Can you use Mumble? Yep, I have it already on my computer!
Why do you want to join? I need a good guild to play with, my current guild is very small and not very active so I never have anyone to play with, Its just some friends from our former GW2 guild.
How did you hear about us? On a list of guilds from Yaks Bend 😛
Additional Comments: Like I said above, I roleplay and was RP officer of (ARX) Arcanix from Yaks Bend until last month when I was demoted for not being on enough ( I got married/honeymoon etcetc ). SOOO.. I really enjoy the fantasy part of this game, it gives me lots of inspiration and what not. I raid on WoW weekly, so I would be offline for that kinda stuff (3days a week) Every other day I play GW2! Im a very fun person with a good sense of humor! Im very helpful, I like to help out my fellow guildie whether it be with a quest/or doing a dungeon! I can usually be found running around in Orr pew pewing on my Guardian, or attempting to find some sort of Roleplaying! Anyways, Thanks for reading!

Posts: 144
Re: Application: Lillian Monet
on: October 9, 2012, 12:12

Welcome to the Guild! Please find one of the Guild Officer's ingame to get an invite.


Posts: 2
Re: Application: Lillian Monet
on: October 9, 2012, 15:22

Thanks 🙂

Posts: 278
Re: Application: Lillian Monet
on: October 10, 2012, 11:13


Posts: 275
Re: Application: Lillian Monet
on: October 13, 2012, 09:50


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