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Author Topic: Application: Hamish Dustbottom

Posts: 2
Application: Hamish Dustbottom
on: October 12, 2012, 10:06

Character Name: Hamish Dustbottom (80 Warrior)
Real Life Name (optional):Ben
Real Life Age:37
Real Life Location (optional): Hamilton ON
Time Zone:Est
Previous MMO Experience: My first MMO was SWG, played WoW mostly but have also played LOTRO, Rift, EQ2
Interests: I'm a casual gamer, I also enjoy most sports and watch too much reality TV.
Can you use Mumble? I need to install it but Yes
Why do you want to join? Most of my guild have either moved on to other games(WoW) or stopped playing all together. I'm looking for a fun active guild that enjoys GW2 as much as I do.
How did you hear about us? Your guild caught my eye on when I was looking for a new home.
Additional Comments: I work scattered shifts because I'm on call, but its mostly evenings. I get on most days, mornings and after work. I look forward to getting to know all of you and hope to hear from you soon.


Posts: 144
Re: Application: Hamish Dustbottom
on: October 13, 2012, 03:32

Welcome to the Guild!! Please contact a Guild Officer in-game for an invite to the guild. You won't have to worry about activity here. We pretty much have someone on in mumble hopefully everyday but if not you can always find someone in guild chat.


Posts: 275
Re: Application: Hamish Dustbottom
on: October 13, 2012, 09:47


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