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Author Topic: Application:Sebenza

Posts: 1
on: October 12, 2012, 22:21

Character Name:Sebenza(80), Rob Ross, Bacon Rocks
Real Life Name:Tim
Real Life Age:35
Real Life Location: Pittsburgh, PA , USA, EARTH
Time Zone:EST
Previous MMO Experience: EQ-EQ2, SWG(Best MMO ever Made suck it blizzard), WoW, Rift, SWTOR, GW2
Interests:Short walks down Dark alleyways, Drinking, Knife Collecting, Bitching about life. Cooking and eating,
Can you use Mumble? Yes
Why do you want to join? I was Sold when I read"So do not expect this guild to be very strict, uptight, serious, soft spoken, by the book, or sober all the time. We are a bunch of laid back players that just like to have fun, wreak havoc, destroy things, get drunk, party, and make fun of something/someone while playing the game!" and a few of my friends put in apps. I do not like guilds with too many rules
How did you hear about us? From Hamish Dustbottem
Additional Comments: Favorited drinks are Jim Beam and coke zero and Tito Vodka mixed with Mikes Hard Lemon-aid. A poem for you:

World of Warcraft Sucks
GuildWars two is awesome yay
I like Tacos yumm

Posts: 144
Re: Application:Sebenza
on: October 13, 2012, 03:27

Welcome to the Guild!! Please contact a Guild Officer in-game for an invite to the guild. Knife collecting is fun isn't I recently took up the hobby of throwing knives.


Posts: 275
Re: Application:Sebenza
on: October 13, 2012, 09:45

Welcome to the guild.
I hope you enjoy your stay.
Please don't feed the Spozak.
He might Attack your legs.

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