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Author Topic: Application: Kroknah

Posts: 1
Application: Kroknah
on: October 13, 2012, 23:59

Character Name: Kroknah
Real Life Name (optional): Richard
Real Life Age: 22
Real Life Location (optional): California
Time Zone: Pacific
Previous MMO Experience: WoW (all expansions except Panda), Rift, SW:ToR, GW1 (kinda mmo-ish)
Interests: Watching/playing Sports (Basketball/Football), Medicine
Can you use Mumble? Yes, but haven't used it in awhile

Why do you want to join? I'm looking for a casual guild with active members. I want to do dungeons, WvW, sPvP and questing regularly, and this guild looks like a good match.

How did you hear about us? One of your guild members, Vasteric, recommended this guild to me.

Additional Comments: I'm a nice, helpful person who will answer questions, likes to talk, and just
wants to have a fun time playing! I'm active and can be very competitive. Been an officer in WoW before, even once with Vasteric doing HM Firelands raids (pre-nerf).

Posts: 144
Re: Application: Kroknah
on: October 14, 2012, 16:27

Welcome to the Guild!! Please contact a Guild Officer in-game for an invite to the guild. Hope you enjoy your time with us 🙂


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