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Author Topic: Application: Immosabi

Posts: 1
Application: Immosabi
on: October 20, 2012, 23:15

Character Name: Immosabi
Real Life Name (optional): Jeremy
Real Life Age: 34
Real Life Location (optional): Texas
Time Zone: CST
Previous MMO Experience: Ive been playing MMO's since UO. I am a pre-trammel pk.
Interests: Aviation, Guitar, Ukulele, Gaming
Can you use Mumble? Yes

Why do you want to join? I am looking for a solid group of active people to run with on Yak's Bend. I read your guild charter and it sounds like what I am looking for.

How did you hear about us? I asked if any guilds were recruiting and Tchort responded.

Additional Comments: I am a technical consultant, so when im booked on a client my time is hard to come by. But when I am not booked, and usually on the weekends I play a lot. Im level 44 after a week and ill have multiple level 80's in the end. I like tanking and healing.


Posts: 144
Re: Application: Immosabi
on: October 23, 2012, 15:11

Welcome to the Guild! Please contact a guild officer in-game for an invite if you havent already.


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