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Author Topic: Application: Varkoslim

Posts: 2
Application: Varkoslim
on: October 21, 2012, 07:58

Character Name: Varkoslim
Real Life Name (optional): Chris
Real Life Age: 24
Real Life Location (optional): Philippines
Time Zone: GMT +8
Previous MMO Experience: Maplestory, League of Legends, Counterstrike, Dragon Nest, Silk Road
Interests: Playing Computer games especially RPGs, Multiplayer and Turn Based Strategy Games, Badminton, Swimming, Electronics and Gadgets
Can you use Mumble? Yes, will create one
Why do you want to join? I read from several forums that this guild is very friendly and open to new people. GW2 will be my first MMORPG that I plan to really play with for a long time and meet friends online.
How did you hear about us? One to the best performing guilds in Yak's bend
Additional Comments: I normally play 1-2 hours at night on weekdays and maybe 4 hours on weekends afternoon. Can play longer depending on availability and awesomeness of game

Posts: 144
Re: Application: Varkoslim
on: October 23, 2012, 15:11

Welcome to the Guild! Please contact a guild officer in-game for an invite if you havent already.


Posts: 2
Re: Application: Varkoslim
on: October 24, 2012, 08:05

Thank you, I appreciate the invite a lot. 😀 Looking forward to play with you guys! 🙂

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