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Author Topic: Application: Seranaes

Posts: 1
Application: Seranaes
on: October 30, 2012, 04:53

Character Name: Seranaes
Real Life Name (optional): Andy
Real Life Age: 31
Real Life Location (optional): Taiwan
Time Zone: GMT +8
Previous MMO Experience: Linage, GW
Interests: Playing PC games especially

Can you use Mumble? No, but if it is necessary I will create it.

Why do you want to join? My main language is Chinese (Taiwan and China is different country).
But I really want to meeting NEW international friends on GW2.
Though my English is not pretty good 😛
The Thoughtbludgeon seems is a very good home I want to join 🙂

How did you hear about us? Google the GW2 guild and found
Additional Comments: I have got married so I can't play every day. I just can play 4 ~ 5 days a week after working. In the Weekend I have more time to play GW2. I really expect to have fun with you guys in GW2.


Posts: 144
Re: Application: Seranaes
on: October 30, 2012, 19:12

Welcome to The Guild. Please contact a Guild Officer in-game for an invite to the guild. Hope to see ya on soon.


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