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Author Topic: Heres how we survived the hurricane. Photos etc.

Posts: 278
Re: Heres how we survived the hurricane. Photos etc.
on: December 6, 2012, 08:52

House is insulated again! It's warm!

Tore up the living room - waiting for the painter/sheetrock guy to come today. New flooring should be here next week. I'm aiming for christmas to have a living room i can sit in.

Posts: 39
Re: Heres how we survived the hurricane. Photos etc.
on: December 7, 2012, 03:25

Yeah man, it'll be 3-5 years before they get the majority of this mess cleaned and restored. You have all your house done with just the living room left? Still bedrooms and bathrooms? Seems like you've gotten quite a bit done in a month though. I would imagine contractors are few and far between at the moment, and likely gouging people/insurance on prices. I know my buddy has an EPA clean up service LES(Lawson Environmental Services) and they've had a full plate for the past month working in the Northeast from Missouri.

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