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Author Topic: WvW Yaks Bend Server Alliance

Posts: 1
WvW Yaks Bend Server Alliance
on: November 3, 2012, 15:56

Hey Thoughtbludgeon!

My name is Justice aka Drako Windspur and I represent one of the premiere WvW groups on Yaks Bend right now, the Badger Spirits. We are part of a larger alliance of big and small guilds on

If you have any interest in joining our organized group, the alliance has pretty much been running the show for a couple months now with the help of some larger entities working with us. We have a meeting every Thursday to discuss the plan of attack and further improving our strategy before the reset on Friday.

Again the site is and if you have any questions about the site, seek out Honnor or Tlaloc who are the administrators of the site and heads of the alliance. Look forward to playing some WvW with all who are interested!

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