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Author Topic: Screwed by ArenaNet

Posts: 74
Screwed by ArenaNet
on: December 16, 2012, 09:09

So, after being grounded for a few weeks, my oldest son tries to log onto GW2 only to find that his account has been banned. After a few back and forth emails to get to the problem, I was informed that I used a stolen card/fraudulent paypal account to purchase it. Then the email says that whoever I purchased the serial code from gave me a stolen code.

I used the same bank account I've had for the last 16 years (found the receipt) and bought the fucking game from their website for the digital download.

Still waiting for their next reply but this really pisses me off. They want me to purchase another copy of the game for a new code. EAT A DICK.

Sorry, had to get that out.


Posts: 278
Re: Screwed by ArenaNet
on: December 16, 2012, 09:47

Wow... that's fucking stupid. Someone mustve hacked your account and gave them a song and dance to convince them of that shit.

Posts: 142
Re: Screwed by ArenaNet
on: December 17, 2012, 15:05

That blows man. I've had identity theft problems in the past. And here I thought email authentication was a step in the right direction..


Posts: 275
Re: Screwed by ArenaNet
on: December 17, 2012, 17:02

I really hated hearin this from people on the official forums and reddit. To think that they would actually have such horrible customer service and solutions, quick to jump the gun....
But to have this actually happen to someone I know and definitely doesn't deserve it truly fucking sucks. I hope this gets resolved. As I know that you haven't really gotten to play since launch. =(

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