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Author Topic: Tenolwens Application

Posts: 1
Tenolwens Application
on: December 16, 2012, 16:04

Character Name: Tenolwen
Real Life Name (optional): Courtez Hill
Real Life Age: 26
Real Life Location (optional): Tampa.. possibly maryland in a few
Time Zone: Eastern
Previous MMO Experience: Eq1, FF11 eq2 WoW, Dragon Nest Guild wars 2 FF 14 ......
Interests: Music, Games,
Can you use Mumble? Yes
Why do you want to join? I am looking for a community. i am one who really values people and interactions with others. i love just about everything in this game ( i havent started into crafting... yet) but i really would like the oppurtunity to experience more of the game with friends and people who are part of a community
How did you hear about us? a shouter in the Grove, Unfortunatly they logged before my tell was sent. i however saw the guild website and checked it out.

Posts: 144
Re: Tenolwens Application
on: December 17, 2012, 12:26

Welcome to the Guild. Please contact a Guild Officer in game for an invite.


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