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Author Topic: Question

Posts: 142
on: February 16, 2013, 16:23

I think it's pretty obvious by now that you all know how casual I am at Guild Wars 2. Hell, I still don't have a character at level cap. I still have fun playing but I was wondering:

What have you guys been doing since you hit level cap? I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to that content. Is there still a lot to do or are you guys mostly running around in world PVP? I see a lot of familiar names when I log on so there must be something you guys are doing. Just curious 🙂


Posts: 275
Re: Question
on: February 16, 2013, 20:41

For me, it's dungeon running to either get a different set of gear for a new spec to try or money (speed runs from SE and CoF, around 2 gold a run, regardless of what drops).
World Vs World to get in my pvp, get more badges of honor for possible update to get ascended gear via those tokens and the legendary rifle I would like to get.
I dont bother with the SPvP system cause I don't really like the mechanics of it atm. Waiting for better updates. Crafting stuff for guildies since I have a abundance of gems to make exotic jewelery sets.
Doing dailies to get my 30 Laurels. (new currency for an alternative way to get Ascended goodies)
Helping people who havent really experienced the dungeon systems yet or need exotic gear sets that look cool or cant be crafted. Granted they are still pretty flaky, but do-able. I have read in another update sooner or later will fix and change some of the boss and event mechanics in all of them. Which I can patiently wait for.
Doing jumping puzzles daily to see if I can get a legendary precursor or any other exotic and rare to make money or use.
Farming mats to make foods for the guild or to help level up my wife's toons.
Slowly clearing maps on toons I don't have 100% world completion on, cause well... doing maps over and over can burn you out like many other mmo's. Same content. Maybe a new event you haven't seen before will be available when you pass by or just sit idle in a town/outpost. Also gives some crafting material to greens/rares and exotics, depending on the level of the zone, for completing it.
Been wanting to do more and more fractals to get ascended gear and the weapon skins for my primary characters I like to PvE and WvW with. Shit gets tough and changes dramatically from level 9 to level 10 in fractals. But not enough people are on at the right time to do any runs. And PUGs in fractals are the worst. Unless the group you get is extremely experienced, mature and patient.

I'm sure there are plenty of other things I have not included but that's a rough draft of what I do (or plan for) from time to time when I get on.

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Posts: 142
Re: Question
on: February 18, 2013, 13:07

Sounds like there is a lot of content at level cap from what you've mentioned. That's good to know. Lets be honest, most MMO's fall short when it comes to keeping players around after they hit end game. And having to pay to play makes it even worse. So not having to justify playing GW2 casually to my bank account makes it so much more appealing to stay connected.

The upcoming guild missions sound interesting although suspiciously similar to Rift. But if it works then I'm ok with that. Just another way to keep people working together. And I think its a neat way to get exposure in zones since non-guildies can jump in (during parts of the mission).

Has there been any talk of guild halls or more player housing customization? I think that would be a neat feature to give players visual feedback of accomplishments in game. Like a trophy room you could show off to others. Not just a page with a list of challenges.

What would you add to the game?


Posts: 74
Re: Question
on: February 18, 2013, 13:33

I'd add a 5 foot penis that attacks towns.


Posts: 142
Re: Question
on: February 18, 2013, 13:41

How would you stop it?


Posts: 74
Re: Question
on: February 19, 2013, 00:35

Just like a dragon. Cut off the head.


Posts: 275
Re: Question
on: February 19, 2013, 02:34

Quote from Lade on February 18, 2013, 13:07
Sounds like there is a lot of content at level cap from what you've mentioned. That's good to know. Lets be honest, most MMO's fall short when it comes to keeping players around after they hit end game. And having to pay to play makes it even worse. So not having to justify playing GW2 casually to my bank account makes it so much more appealing to stay connected.

The upcoming guild missions sound interesting although suspiciously similar to Rift. But if it works then I'm ok with that. Just another way to keep people working together. And I think its a neat way to get exposure in zones since non-guildies can jump in (during parts of the mission).

Has there been any talk of guild halls or more player housing customization? I think that would be a neat feature to give players visual feedback of accomplishments in game. Like a trophy room you could show off to others. Not just a page with a list of challenges.

What would you add to the game?

I honestly can speculate that we will not see "guild housing/halls" like the first game until the first expansion. With the guild missions heading our way however, makes me feel like all of that AND Guild Vs Guild will be nearby.

Adding?.....There is a lot.
At least 1000 DIFFERENT AND UNIQUE wpn/armor skins/town clothes.
New races (playable and not)
Hard Mode zone completions!
More in depth personal stories THAT ARE NOT HI-JACKED by some fucking plant that takes all the credit and rewards!
A serious tweak to the loot system.
Perhaps (in Hard Mode or not) new dynamic events or hearts each time you enter a zone.
More dungeons.
New enemies.
Better bosses!
Dye-able weapons and spell effects.
Better fucking skins for all the current races for players.
More rewards for completing events in deserted zones (SOLO)

I could go on and on and I'm sure a ton of things have been placed in their suggestion forums or reddit or some shit..

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