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Author Topic: How is everyone?

Posts: 45
Re: How is everyone?
on: October 27, 2013, 14:50

I've been thinking about logging into GW2, things have been super busy with School this year and teaching. I also had a nasty cold which I'm trying to get over. Hope all is well with everyone :).

Posts: 5
Re: How is everyone?
on: October 30, 2013, 19:58

I've been around on and off... normally if chat is empty i don't log into the gw2.. Other then that.. trying to find something to play.. Been doing Civ 5, a little PlanetSide2, TF2.. and just generally knocking about .. if you are ever on Steam.. my handle is GrandTheftPinto.. .. Hope you are all doing well.. i'll try and get on if there is a meet-up!


Posts: 171
Re: How is everyone?
on: October 31, 2013, 17:19

Playing FFXIV right now in Sargatanas, and Planetside 2 in Connery (Vanu) when I'm bored...


Posts: 45
Re: How is everyone?
on: November 4, 2013, 19:58

Downloaded and trying out some Rift now that it's ftp. Also popping in GW2 from time to time. However, my graphics card is kinda fried I think. Need to replace it before I do much gaming.

Posts: 275
Re: How is everyone?
on: November 12, 2013, 11:54

Not to get any hopes up. But Plankton has mentioned that there are some big changes coming to GW2 in December. I know that the new fractal is suppose to be out along with a new WvW map that provides its own overflows, so you can always WvW when you want. Class changes and a few others... Keep tabs and I will try and post more info about it when the changes happen.

Check the guild private forums on here for some other current GW2 related news.

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Posts: 45
Re: How is everyone?
on: November 13, 2013, 17:30

RIFT is not so bad. I do plan on popping into GW2 as well. Will keep checking back here. If anyone wants to goof off in RIFT with us- we are on Wolfsbane server. I am Keellin or Eowinne

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