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Author Topic: Test Website

Posts: 171
Test Website
on: March 14, 2014, 17:15

We are rebuilding the site again, were trying new things, gaming news, game groups, etc... my goal for now is to make the site more active, so people come back to our site often... for now im testing gaming news and a new way to organize ourselves into groups according to the games we play...

So please test the news and groups... you can join some of the ones i made or make your own for a game you play and would like to play with other guild members. For now, stick groups for games, no Iluvshamiches gorups plz.... no rated R groups either (for now)...

I think this will make it better to organize ourselves and to know who's playing what depending on the groups that they join.

If you have an idea on what else to have in our guild community, let me know and ill try my best to implement it. I think we dont have a voice chat server atm, if someone has one and want to share it, let me know the info so i can post it. but that will be next on the list... if we dont have one. Maybe ill buy one for the if needs be...

for now, test stuff, break stuff. and try things out to see if its something that will work or not...



Posts: 5
Re: Test Website
on: March 14, 2014, 21:40

The Voice chat you were using has been ported to a TS3 chat.. I have a channel for TB if you would like to use it... (if you are going to be using it a lot please let me know as i may need to bump up the slots ).... Hope you all are doing well!! ~Wizz...


Posts: 171
Re: Test Website
on: March 15, 2014, 18:18

Can you message me the ts3 server address?


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