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Author Topic: Shortcuts, Tips & Guild Bonuses (Possible Spoilers)

Posts: 275
Shortcuts, Tips & Guild Bonuses (Possible Spoilers)
on: August 17, 2012, 22:26

Helpful not commonly known tips from /r/guildwars2

Excellent Tips From reddit. A guy did a write up on some really nice tips for anyone level 1 to 80.


  • After deletion of a character the name is locked to your account for 24 hours. Source
  • You can craft bags with different purposes other than just extra bag space. Eg the invisible leather bag that never shows up when talking to merchants (useful for storing stuff you don't want to sell by accident). Source, this and next
  • Your mail inbox can fill up, and stop you from recieving new mail. Not all mail takes up space tho, like mail from completing Renown Hearts.
  • NPCs doesn't fade away after you have completed a Dynamic Event, they simply continue on with their tasks. This may sometimes lead to new Dynamic Events, or simply provide a fun experience if you follow 'em. Source
  • Max level is level 80, however, you will continue to gain xp, and will be rewarded each level with a Skill point (no stat increase). Skill points have more uses than unlocking your skills! Source
  • Completing some town set costumes grant you some freaking awesome abilties when you wearing it! Source
    Guild Bonuses & Information

  • Rewards
  • You must be representing a guild in order to receive any of the benefits or experience bonuses and also to contribute to more bonuses.
  • Members earn influence for the guild that they represent by being present and participating in activities. The more members that participate together, the faster the guild gains influence, which can be used to purchase upgrades for the guild in four categories:
  • Architecture — Purchase shared storage and increase the number of upgrades the guild can work on at once.
  • Art of WarBuffs used in WvW
  • Economy — Buffs to increase members ability to earn karma, find magic items, or gather materials.
  • Politics — Emblems, influence buffs, guild armor, and party items.
  • Representation
  • Each player account can belong to multiple guilds. However, each character may only represent one guild at a time; only that guild earns influence from the character's actions. In addition, the character only has access to guild features of the represented guild, notably shared storage, buffs, and guild-wide chat.
  • To change the guild represented, open the guild panel, choose the "management" tab, select the appropriate guild, and choose "represent."
    Map tips

  • You can link to waypoints in chat, and people can then click it and teleport to it, if they have already discovered it. Source, this and next
  • You draw or ping on the map if you hold Shift and then use your mouse. Works on both the minimap and the map.
  • You can drop permanent markers, called 'Personal Waypoint', by holding Alt and left clicking on the map or minimap. To remove simply left click again or place another marker.Source
    Gathering and crafting tips

  • You can access your bank from any crafting station. No need to run back and forth to collect your mats to craft. This also counts for crafting stations you find in towns out in the field (tested).
  • (Thank you Lade)

  • You might know you can Deposit Collectible, and that it doesn't take up any space in your Account Vault, which is shared amongst all your characters (Account Vault duh!), but did you know that you can deposit all collectibles in your bag at once? This is done by using the bag Option button. You can even access your Account Vault from the crafting stations!
  • Crafting materials in WvW is found in different sections of the area. Where, well here.

    Xp and leveling tips

  • Some monsters yield bonus xp, this bonus xp is determined by how long the mob have been alive. Source
  • 100% map completion XP reward is scaled to 10% of the required xp for you to lvl up, and grants you 3 Transmution Stones (1-79)( Source, this and next 2
  • Xp for next level increases each level, however the time stays somewhat the same after level 15, since the xp gain increases by the same proportional amount.
  • Having trouble with a 'Personal Story'? Then bring a friend! It's possible to guest all Personal stories, no matter race and level (downscaling). Two or more can even complete the same Personal Story at the same time, however this seems to have some restrictions like having to pick the same options as the owner (The one who initiated the story).
  • Xp gained from crafting is % based of what you need to level up. Leveling a discipline to skill 400 (max) will grant you 10 levels. There are 8 disciplines, so you can reach level 80 by doing nothing but crafting.
    Gameplay tips

  • When placing a ground targeting ability, simply press the hotkey again to cast it at your mouse, rather than pressing with your mouse. Also, there is an option to make it so you cast at your mouse cursor instantly.
  • You can aim your skills manually by controlling the camera when you have no target. This works great with several leaping abilities. Source
  • A red bar will show under you skill if you are out of range or behind obstacle, the red bar will also show if your manually aiming, and the spell can't go full length, due to obstacle etc. Source
  • You can only lose durability by dying, each armor piece have 3 stages: Normal, damaged and broken. Dying reduces 1 armor piece to the next stage, before an item can become broken, all other items must be damaged. Therefore, when all items are at normal, it will take 6 deaths to have all your gear damaged, and after 12 deaths all your armor is broken.
  • Dying from taking fall damage will not damage your armor. Source
  • Serveral instant spells can be used while casting another spell. Click here for a great example of pure pwning use in PvP Source
  • You can 'mark' a target by pressing Ctrl+T, others in your party can the target this target by pressing T. Source
  • Most group buffs only affect 5 allies, so if you're grouped with other players, these will have priority over other allies. Source
  • Environmental Weapons. Nuff' said! An awesome way to mix up the combat. Source
    sPvP and WvW tips

  • You can swap teams in sPvP by clicking the + button on top of each team in the score screen, which is opened by pressing B. Source
  • You can carry a max of 15 supply if you grab it from Stonemist Castle in the Eternal Battleground. Normal max is 10. Source
  • At some point after launch, Anet might enable "private" sPvP servers. Source
    Ranger pet tips

  • As the ranger proffesion you have access to 2 pets during combat (only 1 active at the time), switching out your pet will heal it to full, but the switching cooldown is increased if you switch out a defeated pet, so the most effective thing to do, is to switch out your pet before it is defeated, the cooldown on the switch will then be around 20 seconds.
  • At the buttom of Lions Arch you can find the armorfish, and it's the only way to get it in early game. The jellyfish is located there aswell. Source
    Bonus info

  • Did you know that when you shoot with guns you can hear the shells land on the floor/ground, and that the sound changes depending on what the floor/ground is made of. Source
  • There are super secret bosses! (Video in comment) Source
  • You can make custom playlists of your own music, and set it to play these ingame for certain events, i.e. at night or day. Supports several formats. Source
  • When firing a bow, your character will close one eye when aiming. Source
  • Mail is send and delivered by carrier pigeons, and you can actually see them ingame! You can even see when other players recieve or send mail. Source
  • Your character looks at what you have targeted. Source
  • You can launch the client even when the servers are down. Source
  • When you destroy the boxes in the sPvP map: Battle of Kyhlo, fruit will drop. Source

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Posts: 142
Re: Shortcuts, Tips & Guild Bonuses (Possible Spoilers)
on: August 27, 2012, 04:51


One tip i've found thats not common knowledge is you can access your bank from any crafting station. No need to run back and forth to collect your mats to craft. This also counts for crafting stations you find in towns out in the field (tested).


Posts: 275
Re: Shortcuts, Tips & Guild Bonuses (Possible Spoilers)
on: August 27, 2012, 06:42

added. thank you

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Posts: 15
Re: Shortcuts, Tips & Guild Bonuses (Possible Spoilers)
on: August 27, 2012, 07:55

I've found that if you're trying to finish someone in a downed state and you're a thief, if they teleport away, go invisible, make illusions of themselves, etc. you can use your steal ability at the end of your animation to jump to them and finish them off without cancelling the animation. Be warned it makes other thieves very angry if you do it to them.


Posts: 14
Re: Shortcuts, Tips & Guild Bonuses (Possible Spoilers)
on: September 3, 2012, 14:13

It also looks like you can't access the guild bank unless you are on the home server. Someone else may need to confirm this; I've been server surfing for awhile and have only been able to see it from Yak's Bend.


Posts: 13
Re: Shortcuts, Tips & Guild Bonuses (Possible Spoilers)
on: September 3, 2012, 20:55

Cool stuff. So from what I understand doing anything / general activity is what helps a guild to level up. Is there any one thing that helps more than others?

"Think of it as an evolution in action." -Larry Niven

Posts: 275
Re: Shortcuts, Tips & Guild Bonuses (Possible Spoilers)
on: September 4, 2012, 03:07

A full group of guildies doing Dynamic events, WvW, SPvP will reward more influence than a solo guild member doing a big orange circle event.

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