Made this GW2 skin for Mumble
Preview of this skin
I modified the background to match the one we got on the website.
You can download it here
Download original from here and to install :
Place the "skins" folder in Mumble's root directory, like this: ( D:\Program Files (x86)\Mumble\ <-- skins\bones\ )
Open mumble, go to Configure, then User Interface
In Look and Feel, choose Cleanlooks from Style dropdown.
Under Skin hit Browse..
Pick the Skins/GW2 folder and then the file gw2.qss, hit Open Hit Apply
I also use custom layout out and stick the chat box just below toolbar.
Also have a custom overlay for ingame here
Enable Mumble overlay
Go to 'Configure' > 'Settings' and then the 'Overlay' tab. Enable overlay at top left.
Go to the 'Overlay Exceptions' tab and select 'Whitelist'.
Hit 'Add' and find the GW2.exe NOT the shortcut!!
Going back to layout tab you can play with the layout/size/colour of overlay below or you can download my config : Bone's Mumble Overlay and use the load button above.
Setting up GW2 shorcut to make overlay work
Create a copy (so you can still do updates with that shortcut)
Right-click and hit 'Properties'
In the 'Shortcut' tab (first tab that opens) select 'Target'
You need to add these Commands to the end of the target.
MAKE sure you have a SPACE between each:
-useoldlauncher Your target should look like this : C:\Games\GW2\Gw2.exe -useoldlauncher -nopatchui or with quote marks (XP/Vista users) "C:\Games\GW2\Gw2.exe" -useoldlauncher -nopatchui It's very important you have a space between .exe and first command and between any other commands
Now RESTART both MUMBLE & GW2 (if running)