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Author Topic: Have your Main character Drawn for you,

Posts: 38
Have your Main character Drawn for you,
on: August 19, 2012, 08:09

So I have been doing some drawings for a lot of people lately. And I had a thought the other day about how cool would it be to have a character of your choosing drawn up.
I will be more than happy to draw up anyone's main toon for them be it a toon in town clothing or all decked out in gear they really like the looks of.
Prices do range though from what you want. I do a lot of colored work, but I can do inked in work or just a pencil drawing. You can have backrounds, or no backrounds. The choice would be yours but backrounds would cost a bit more.
If interested you can see some of my work on DeviantArt. You can also email me at with subject as Drawing request.
What you would need.
-Paypal Account.
-A detailed description of what you would like.
-Several screen shots of your character. (Several different angles would help.Even some close ups of the face, armor..ect. Depending on how detailed you would like it to be. )
-And an email to be able to contact you.
-If I am able to do what you ask I will let you know and then a price will be sent to you to approve before sketching will begin.
Before inking you will be sent a sketch of your drawing.If it is alright then I will start the coloring process. I use color pencils, copic markers, and primsacolor markers. It will be your Choice of material.
I hope you all consider this idea I had. I will be doing a picture of my own Main once the Game comes up and I can create her and lvl her up. =3
Cheers -Sov-


Posts: 38
Re: Have your Main character Drawn for you,
on: August 25, 2012, 08:38

So I drew up my elementalist it's not the greatest job I have done but I'm pretty happy with it.


Posts: 278
Re: Have your Main character Drawn for you,
on: August 25, 2012, 17:43

Let's see!

Posts: 38
Re: Have your Main character Drawn for you,
on: August 28, 2012, 07:48


Posts: 38
Re: Have your Main character Drawn for you,
on: August 28, 2012, 07:49

Like I said it's not my best work. But Im happy. =3


Posts: 38
Re: Have your Main character Drawn for you,
on: September 4, 2012, 17:09

So here is my Norn warrior i was working on this morning. Just finished. It's a little bits better than the other one I did. Just an FYI anything someone requests will be better. =3


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