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Author Topic: guide im following to stay up for GW2 release

Posts: 39
Re: guide im following to stay up for GW2 release
on: August 21, 2012, 03:30

I took a week of vacation next week... O.o

Posts: 275
Re: guide im following to stay up for GW2 release
on: August 21, 2012, 06:27

Quote from Lade on August 20, 2012, 15:52
Thank god for graves this week. I'll be fine for launch but I'm screwed for day shift next monday...

Just log onto mumble and put your headphones on Spoze. We'll yell in your ear when the servers go live.

Go ahead, waste some time reading this...

You shoulda heard Bengtan when we were on this past friday. I was makin some tunes, he got on after seeing me ideling in the chatroom (via the website plugin) to help random people check their mics (only Niles showed up 😕 ). I helped set him up with his game client, funny story, he almost didnt put in his pre-purchase code, therefore would of been all WTF face on me when the game goes live on the 25th. Anyways, I hooked him up with some info highlights on the game and whatnot, we browsed computer parts on newegg together, I died a little inside. Then I needed to get back to my tune. We stopped talking for about 3 or 4 hours. He was still in the chat... watchin netflix in his living room and I was taking another break from song. I was crusin through some guild wars gaming for title grinds for my remaining HoM points... When I turn on my mic, try to see if he was there, I tapped on the mic for a "knocking" sound and said "OOOOOOOH BEN!". I got no answer. So then I pressed on with my Wayfarer's Reverie quest in Cantha (Factions) and I'm stuck on this one location and having issues figuring out where to go. Since this is a new event for GW2 (Free Tormented Weapon) and the HoM. I had to wing it to the green dot location. Having more and more troubles I got pissed and start cussin at the game. Next thing I know sounds of stomping followed by "WAS DAT U MAKIN ALL DAT NOISE IN HURR!?" and "I thought those kids were back trying to break into my house and shit, was gonna go out there and gank dem foolz" (kay, not exactly like that but along those lines). I freaked him out, thinking he was under a home invasion situation with these hoodlums that broke into his car, during a crime spree in his neighborhood. He about had a heart attack. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnd now that I've typed all this I kinda feel like it was all pointless........

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Posts: 144
Re: guide im following to stay up for GW2 release
on: August 21, 2012, 13:56

I found the story amazing so technically it's not pointless if it provided some laughter and enjoyment.


Posts: 38
Re: guide im following to stay up for GW2 release
on: August 22, 2012, 04:56

I have to work friday night into sat morning. I'll probably play till i pass out. Then get up and go to work again -.- Maybe i'll do what i did for swtor take a nap in the morning wake up around 4 and play till i have to leave for work lol.


Posts: 45
Re: guide im following to stay up for GW2 release
on: August 22, 2012, 11:48

My summer job ended yesterday, and I don't start teaching for another week. Launch is pretty much the perfect time for me.

Posts: 39
Re: guide im following to stay up for GW2 release
on: August 23, 2012, 02:06

Posted to work 10 hr's the rest of the week sucks... Elementary or Secondary Ed. Eowin? I taught back in the day...

Posts: 9
Re: guide im following to stay up for GW2 release
on: August 23, 2012, 14:24

Thanks for the story, I enjoyed it.


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