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Author Topic: Account Linking, HoM and Economy with Arenanet

Posts: 275
Account Linking, HoM and Economy with Arenanet
on: August 24, 2012, 06:32

<strong>Account Linking </strong>
<em>If you have the first game and the expansion, make sure to check to see if your accounts are linked. So that you may get your reserved names and or hall of monuments rewards.</em>
You are now able to link your Guild Wars account to your Guild Wars 2 account, if you have not already done so, by visiting For more information please visit

<strong>Hall of Monuments Rewards</strong>
When we announced the start of Guild Wars 2 development, players responded with enthusiasm and a whole lot of questions. One of the most common questions we received was whether there would be some sort of “historical link” between Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 and whether they could somehow show off their Guild Wars accomplishments in Guild Wars 2.

The answer to that question was a resounding “Yes.” We introduced the Hall of Monuments <a href="" title="Hall of Monuments Calculator" target="_blank">Reward Calculator</a>, which allowed Guild Wars players to calculate how many points they had earned in the original games for use in Guild Wars 2. As you know, these points can be redeemed for unique weapon and armor skins, pets, animal companions, and more.
<img alt="Hall of Monuments" src="" title="HoM" class="aligncenter" width="590" height="471" />

So how do you access those Hall of Monuments rewards on your Guild Wars 2 characters? It’s quite simple.

First, you need to be sure you’ve established your own Hall of Monuments in Guild Wars: Eye of the North. That’s sort of a given, isn’t it? 🙂

Second, you need to link your Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 accounts.

If all that is in order, every character you create on your Guild Wars 2 account automatically will receive a special in-game item: the Hall of Monuments Portal Stone.

Simply activate the Portal Stone to transport yourself to the Eye of the North. Once there, speak with our old friend Kimmes the Historian (in his newer, slightly less-corporeal state) and he’ll show you a list of Hall of Monument reward items you have unlocked. You can select any of the items, at any time, for any character you make on your account.

Use the Hall of Monuments Portal Stone again to transport yourself (and your rewards) back to your former location. It’s that easy.

Would you like to know more? Visit the Guild Wars 2 Hall of Monuments <a href="" title="GW2 HoM Support FAQ" target="_blank">Support FAQ</a>.
<img alt="Kimmes the Historian" src="" title="HoM Preview" class="aligncenter" width="590" height="331" />

<strong>John Smith on the Guild Wars 2 Virtual Economy</strong>
Hello, all! I’m John Smith, and I’ve recently had the unbelievable opportunity to join the ArenaNet team and work on Guild Wars 2 as the resident economist. Guild Wars 2 has an incredible virtual economy—one of the largest ever created. I’m excited about the opportunity to study and help mold the economy for Guild Wars 2. As Guild Wars 2 goes live and becomes a living world, I will be continually learning about its evolving economy, and as I learn I’d like to share my most interesting findings with you.

<a href=""><img alt="Economy" src="" title="GW2 Economy Infograph" class="aligncenter" width="590" height="1364" /></a>

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Posts: 142
Re: Account Linking, HoM and Economy with Arenanet
on: August 24, 2012, 18:22

Looking back, I have no idea why I never played Guild Wars. I beta tested it when it was first offered. I even remember liking it. Why the hell did I never play it?! /facepalm


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